The encoding of transmitters

Each transmitter, so that it can be uniquely identified in the COSPAS-SARSAT system, is identified by a 15-digit hexadecimal code generated by the combination of identification parameters, to be acquired prior to coding operations. Depending on the type of transmitter, the identifiers that are used are:


247 (Country Code for Italy) + MMSI
247 (Country Code for Italy) + International Call Sign

issued by the Territorial Inspectorate of the Ministry of Communications of the regional capital where the craft is registered or, in the absence of registration, at the Territorial Inspectorate of the region where the owner of the craft resides. The locations and contact details of the competent Territorial Inspectorates can be found at the following link: Territorial Inspectorates

to be requested from the Harbour Master's Office or Maritime District Office where the unit is registered.


247 (Country Code for Italy) + 24 Bit Address
247 (Country Code for Italy) + Registration Marks

24 BIT ADDRESS: issued by the Aircraft Registry Office of the National Civil Aviation Authority – Enac Instructions

REGISTRATION MARKS : issued by the Aircraft Register Office of the National Civil Aviation Authority – Enac Instructions


247 (Country Code for Italy) + Serial Number

SERIAL NUMBER: issued by the transmitter manufacturer.

From the encoding of the above parameters, the hexadecimal code is generated,  whose first three characters, for Italian transmitters,  will be 1EE or 9EE.

Download the official document C/S S.007 - Italy containing coding methods concerning Italian transmitters