
The Italian Satellite Station Cospas Sarsat portal ensures compliance with the technical requirements set forth by the Law 4/2004, "Provisions to facilitate access for people with disabilities to computer tools" (also known as the Stanca Law), and defined in Annex A of the Ministerial Decree of July 8, 2005, Technical Requirements and different levels for accessibility to computer tools."

The portal has been developed with the HTML markup language (XHTML 1.0 STRICT) and CSS style sheets (ver. 2.1). Furthermore, the international guidelines defined by the W3C for accessibility - the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 - have been respected, with a conformance level of Triple A.

The Stanca Law reaffirms the constitutional right of all citizens, regardless of personal and social conditions and therefore any disability, to access services and information within the websites of Public Administrations.

Accessibility is therefore defined as the ability of computer systems, within the limits allowed by technological knowledge, to provide services and provide information that can be used, without discrimination, also by those who, due to disabilities, require assistive technologies or special configurations; assistive technologies refer to the tools and technical solutions, both hardware and software, that enable people with disabilities, by overcoming or reducing the conditions of disadvantage, to access the information and services provided by computer systems.

For further normative insights, reference can be made to the update of accessibility requirements in the Official Gazette or to the accessibility section on the website of the Agency for Digital Italy.

Text size

On this site, it is possible to modify the text size while navigating through the various web pages. You can set the desired text size through the icons located at the top right in the Header bar. The text size will be modified for all pages belonging to the site - Some pages may contain non-adjustable text.

Quick access keys

Quick access keys are a navigation mechanism that allows you to move around the various parts of the site using your keyboard. Normally, they are activated by pressing the combination of keys CTRL + ALT + access key (as this may vary from browser to browser, please refer to the guide of the browser you are using).

This site uses a configuration that follows, as far as possible, the international recommendations for quick access keys. These are:

H - home
S - search
T - top
F - footer
M - menu
B - beacon registration
A - accessibility

Automatic validation tools

All pages of the portal have been verified with the following automatic tools:

  • HTML validation using W3C Markup Validation Service
  • CSS validation using W3C CSS Validation Service
  • Automatic accessibility checking via