Q & A

What are 406 MHz Beacon satellite devices?
There are three 406 MHz satellite beacons:
  • EPIRB for Maritime Use
  • ELT for Aviation Use
  • PLB for personal use
Can I purchase an EPIRB/ELT/PLB satellite device, what are the programming methods?
EPIRB - There are two encoding methods:
  • Country Code 247 + MMSI
  • Country Code 247 + International call sign
ELT - There are two encoding methods:
  • Country Code 247 + 24 bit-address
  • Country Code 247 + Registration Marks
PLB - The encoding method is: Country Code 247 + Serial Number.
Can I purchase satellite equipment in another country?
Yes of course, the important thing is to have the satellite equipment programmed with the coding protocols for Italy.
Who issues the Country Code?
The Country Code is a fixed number issued by convention to Italy and corresponds to the number 247.
Who issues the MMSI?
The MMSI code is issued by the Ministry of Economic Development - Department of Communications present in the regional capital where the vessel is registered. If the boat is not registered, reference is made to the Office present in the capital of the region where the owner of the boat resides. 247.
Who issues the International Call-Sign for a vessel?
The International Call Sign is issued by the Ministry of Naval DefenceThe International Call Sign (Call-Sign) is issued by the Ministry of Naval Defence.
Who issues the 24-bit-address?
The 24 bit-address is the programming code for the S-type transponder and is issued by ENAC in ItalyThe 24 bit-address is the programming code for the S-type transponder and is issued by ENAC in Italy.
Who issues the Serial Number?
The Serial Number is a number issued by the transmitter manufacturer and is automatically entered in all equipment.
Do I have to register my EPIRB/ELT/PLB Satellite Transmitter?
YES OBLIGATORY, the EPIRB/ELT/PLB satellite transmitter must be registered with the Italian Satellite Station Cospas-Sarsat in Bari with a special Registration Form that you will find online on this site.
Can I move the EPIRB satellite equipment from one vessel to another?
YES it is possible to move the EPIRB after reprogramming it, with the new identification parameters, and registering the new code by filling out a new registration form. It is absolutely forbidden to move it without the aforementioned reprogramming.
Can I move the ELT satellite equipment from one aircraft to another?
Yes, it is possible to move the ELT equipment after reprogramming it with the new identification parameters and registering the new code by filling out a new registration form. It is absolutely forbidden to move it without the aforementioned reprogramming
Can I temporarily lend my EPIRB/ELT/PLB satellite transmitter?
EPIRB or ELT satellite transmitters may NOT be lent temporarily, unless they are reprogrammed. The PLB can be lent out after the registration data have been changed by filling in the relevant form.
I purchased a PLB, can I use it on my boat or my aircraft?
The PLB is a personal satellite transmitter and can be used on boats or sailboats but, caution, it does not replace the satellite equipment (EPIRB or ELT) required by the safety equipment.
If I inadvertently activate my search and rescue satellite transmitter?
IMMEDIATELY DISCONTINUE TRANSMISSION and quickly contact the nearest competent bodies and report the incident, if possible, by directly informing the Italian COSPAS-SARSAT Satellite Station in Bari (tel. +39 080 5341571); this will prevent a false alarm from being generated. There are no penalties for accidental activation of the transmitter.
Where can I reprogram my satellite equipment?
The satellite equipment can be reprogrammed by the same dealer from whom it was purchased or at the national importer of the transmitter manufacturer.