Change of Command of the Italian Satellite Station COSPAS-SARSAT
Published on: 28/08/2023
Category: News
Last Friday, August 25, 2023, in the forecourt of the barracks "W. Fachin" of the Bari Port Authority (@guardiacostierabari), in the presence of the Maritime Director of Puglia and Ionian Basilicata Rear Admiral Vincenzo Leone, the changeover to the Command of the Italian COSPAS-SARSAT Satellite Station in Bari took place, with military personnel assembled.
Frigate Capt. Giuseppe PASQUINO left his post and headquarters in Bari being assigned to the Institute of Maritime Military Studies (Maristudi) in Venice.
Taking over as the new Station Director is Frigate Captain Giuseppe Antonio DANESE, who came from the Port Authority of Messina - Maritime Authority of the Strait, where he served as Chief of Operational Service.
In the past year (Aug. 22, 2022-Aug. 27, 2023), the satellite station has handled as many as 2507 events.
Thirty were found to be actual events (7 related to maritime beacons - EPIRBs, 21 to aeronautical transmitters - ELTs, and 2 to personal transmitters - PLBs), and the related search and rescue operations, supported by the Satellite Station, rescued 180 people.