Change of command of the Italian satellite station COSPAS-SARSAT

  • Published on: 21/08/2022
  • Category: News
Change of command of the Italian satellite station COSPAS-SARSAT

Last Friday, August 19, 2022, in the forecourt of the barracks "W. Fachin" of the Bari Harbor Master's Office, in the presence of the Maritime Director of Puglia and Ionian Basilicata, Rear Admiral Vincenzo Leone, the change of command of the Italian COSPAS-SARSAT Satellite Station in Bari was held in a sober and heartfelt ceremony before the military personnel deployed in assembly. 

After three years of intense and fruitful work at the direction of the Italian Mission Control Center, during which an organic program of technological-operational development called "Satellite Station 2.0" was implemented, making up for the physiological obsolescence of the equipment and the adaptation to the most recent requirements of the International Program, Frigate Captain Angelo Maggio left his post and the Bari office to assume that of Chief of the Maritime Police and Litigation Service, at the Port Authority of Reggio Calabria. 

He was succeeded as the Station's new Director by Captain Giuseppe Pasquino, who came from the Commando in Chief of the Naval Squadron (CINCNAV) of the Navy in Rome, where he served as Chief of the Merchant Traffic Unit/NCAGS (Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping).