Published on: 29/03/2022
Category: News
This morning, at the end of an intense and challenging technical "gestation" phase that lasted more than two years, the new Italian Mission Control Center (LGM ITMCC) assumed regular operational status..
This is a fundamental and epoch-making implementation that allows Italy to equip itself with a technologically advanced system that replaces the previous one (LG ITMCC), which has become obsolete following more than 20 years of operation, as well as inadequate with respect to the increased needs related to the increase in data traffic of the COSPAS-SARSAT global network.
It enables the processing and distribution to the 20 countries within the service area of the Italian Satellite Station of alert data received not only from constellations of low polar orbit (LEOSAR) and geostationary orbit (GEOSAR) satellites, but also from those of medium polar orbit (MEOSAR) satellite equipment.
As many as 18 MEOLUT antennas located in the states of Norway, Cyprus, Spain and Turkey are associated with the new Italian Mission Control Center in networking mode and by virtue of previous bilateral technical cooperation agreements signed - between the end of 2019 and 2021 - with the European Commission and Turkey.