Transmitter registration

To find out which coding methods can be used for Italian transmitters, download the official document C/S S.007 - Italy 

To register your transmitter, download the prepared template in PDF format, selecting the type of transmitter you have:

Scheda EPIRB
Scheda di registrazione ELT
Scheda di registrazione PLB




After completing and signing the registration form, you can send it to the Italian Satellite Station by one of the following methods:

The registration process will be completed on average within 30 working days after receipt of the communication and will take place in full compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data as well as better specified on the dedicated page of the site.

The person in charge of the administrative procedure is the Director of the Italian Satellite Station COSPAS-SARSAT in Bari.

The request for registration implies acceptance of the privacy policy adopted in the manner set out on the pageThe request for registration implies acceptance of the privacy policy adopted in the manner set out on the page

For information, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are available at the following numbers:

  • Data Bank Office:  080 5341830
  • Station phone numbers: 080 5341571 - 5344033